Ugggg...I guess I won't have photos today. Wassup w/Blogger?
So the day started out good. Got up aroun 6:30. Went for a walk. Picked up a small black coffee and Dunkin Donuts and listened to around an hour's worth of the audiobook, The Time Travelers Wife. When I got home, I figured I would just have a bowl of cereal before I blogged and then started my novel endevour of writing a book. In a wonderful gesture, my fiance, the beautiful Miss Kristine Czarnomski, offered to make me scrambled eggs just the way I like them, with tomatos, peppers, onions and cheese. What a wonderful beginning to a day! But then...
So I think it was a couple of months ago that I got a call from Kristine. I was living at my place in Norwalk and as is still the case now, I didn't own a car. I think it was 6ish in the evening when Krisine called to tell me that her car was parked in the shoulder on I95 near Stratford, CT. You see, that day, Kristine's Mother as well as Aunt and Uncle had come up from Long Island and then the four of them drove up to Mohegan Sun to gamble for the day. On the way home, they got a flat.
Now, I don't know if all cars do this now but in order to change the tire, you need a hubcap key. Kristine couldn't find the key. Neither could her Mother, Aunt or Uncle. Nor could the several nice people who stopped to try and help. A day or two later, we would discover that the key had been in the car the whole time. Knowing the conclusion to this story, I think later today, I'll go look in her car just to make sure the key is there and I know what it looks like.
My roommate Matt (formerly Tito) had a truck. Unlike the typical male who has that special automobile gene, I cannot tell you with certainty what kind of truck he has. I think it's a Pathfinder. Matt is a kind soul (as well as a faithful reader of this blog) and when I asked him if I could borrow his truck so I could drive to Stratford, bring everyone to Stamford and then come home, his only hesitation was wondering where he left his keys.
So I, the hero, arrive in Stratford, I'm guessing around 9ish, and go to the bar just off the exit ramp where the car had stopped because of the flat. In a funny kind of coincidence, the bar was next to Town Fair Tire where Kristine had bought her last set of tire and she believed they had forgotten to give her the hubcap key. As I alluded to earlier, on this topic, she was mistaken.
So I round up the gang and need to fit 5 people, myself included, into the seating area of what I think was a Pathfinder. Like myself, Matt is a big guy and he keeps the driver seat back all the way. Since the back seat was now very full, I tried very hard to get the driver seat to move forward a little bit. Kristine had moved the front passenger seat forward without problem so I figured it would be easy to do the same with the driver seat.
The way it works in Matt's truck and I assume in all vehicles of the same make and model is that the passenger seat can be moved forward manually by lifting a lever in front of the seat and then moving the seat forward or backward. The driver's seat however can only be adjusted ELECTRONICALLY. Of course, I know this NOW.
Needless to say, doing my darndest to make all that were already in the back seat more comfortable, I tried my darndest to lift some kind of lever in front of the driver's seat to move it forward. I was able to lift something and while it didn't move the seat forward, I was able to break the working mechanics of the electric seat system. By the way, I didn't find out about the whole electric thing until I told Matt about breaking something in the seat a day or two later.
Now, I rediculously assumed that what I had removed could simply be put back in about 2 seconds with the right equipment that a mechanic would have for such an occasion and maybe worst case scenario, I would have to shell out 100 bucks or so for their 20 seconds of work. HAH!!!
Nine Hundred Twenty Five Freakin Dollars Folks!!! Turns out, according to the mechanic, that because of what I did, the entire unit needed to be replaced. La Di Fucking Da. So there you go. Ain't that sweet. What a shitter.
Alright, I need to get started on the fictional writing thing I'm doing but here's just a few quick things that I have in my head from checking out the new Entertainment Weekly.
The Blog movement just keeps on growing. Entertainment Weekly now has a blog at
If you live near an AMC Theatre, run out and see Cinderella Man. Hell, you should run out and see it wherever you are, but AMC is offering the incentive completely on their own and without the movie studio's help, of a full refund if you are unsatisfied with the movie. Folks. I shit you now. The film is awesome. Go see it.
Also, I didn't realize this but you need a password if you want to go on Entertainment Weekly's website. I guess if you're a subscriber, you always have access to it, but if you're not, they put a password in each weeks magazine so the person who buys the publication at a newsstand can use the site for that week. This weeks password is
magazine. Enjoy...and don't tell them where ya got it. Oh....The website is
Until Next Time