Monday, July 11, 2005

Movie Reviews

My fiancee, the beautiful Miss Kristine Czarnomski has got me thinking lately that I don't need to buy every movie when it comes out on dvd. As I am trying to adjust to this new idea, I'm giving renting movies a try. Here are some of my thoughts on my most recent rentals.

After the first 30 minutes of this film, it's possible that Alone In The Dark, starring Christian Slater and Tara Reid, might be the best film ever. However, the first 30 minutes of this film are so painful, I gave up on the film. I don't do that very often but if you try watching this awful film, you'll probably think I took way too long to shut it off. The only good that came from watching Alone was that I was given the confidence to continue in my writing because I know that Hollywood will invest millions in shit like this film.

I have mixed feelings about Aliens Vs. Predator. I think if you take away the history that led up to this film, it becomes a pretty good movie. It's not a great movie. For those of you like my friend Xchair who saw the new War Of The Worlds and "didnt like it at all! Not one bit.!", I can tell you that AVP is no Citizen Cane. Still, if you haven't seen any Alien or Predator films and you're looking for a fun ride, this film is for you.

Now here's the thing about the history perspective. The last Predator and the last 2 Alien movies sucked. So if you watch Aliens (the second in the Alien series) and then you throw on AVP, well just forget it. AVP will suck hands down. However, if you've just watched Alien 4...Then by all means...throw the popcorn in the microwave and break out your favorite soda pop. You're in for a good show.

Remember what I said about hardly ever giving up on a film? If I made it more than 15 minutes into Be Cool, I'd be shocked. I don't know what the hell happened here, but this film sucks. The first film, Get Shorty, was fantastic. I don't know where they went wrong but MAN, this film was just sad.


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