Thursday, July 07, 2005

I'm Watching You Watching Me

Hello Everyone,

Been having a bit of a slow day today. I accomplished just about nothing. Earlier, I was all set to tell you about me and my webstats but there were some issues. Now that they've been resolved, we can chat about stat stuff.

I have joined FreeStats. In the last week or so, I haven't been getting very many emails or comments regarding my blog so I decided to shell out a few bucks (9 a month to be exact) to find out if people were checking me out. It pleases me to learn that my blog does have a decent bit of traffic.

In addition to those of you who come to my blog because I've told you about it, a number of people arrive at these words because they clicked the "Next Blog" button that sits in the upper right hand corner of all blogger blogs...or at least, I think it does. It's my understanding that the button randomly takes you to another blogger blog.

Alright..I need to break out of this for a second. Kristine ordered the movie Kinsey and Liam Neeson plays a guy who never had sex until he was married and they just showed him and his wife having sex for the first time. Regardless of whether or not you see this film, I can tell you that this seen is really really painful. Where was I?...

So anyway, yeah. In regards to my blog, some people are stopping by for a quick second or two and others stay for quite a while and have a good read. Whoever you are, I hope you enjoy your time reading these pages and I hope you come back.

Speaking of visitors, one of my blog readers yesterday traveled to this site from another blog. When I went to that blog yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised at this person's first entry. When I checked in on her today...well, lilpuppy has made a regular reader out of me.

OH NO!!!!....ARGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! Alright so remember how frustrated I was with that other sex scene in Kinsey? Yeah, well apparently he liked guys too. When watching this film, you will know when the men kissing is about to start because the guy who isn't Liam Neeson is walking around naked. BLA!

Alright...Am I done? I think I'm done. I'm going to go and have some ice cream and erase my memory. Go check out lilpuppy's website. I'll talk 2 u l8r.


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