Sunday, July 31, 2005


Hello....Mr. Insomnia here. How do you do?

I can't sleep. It's a combination of things. One, I'm sleeping at someone else's house. Two, they have one of those in window air conditioner things that isn't the quitest thing on the planet. Three, there is no three.

It's weird not to be able to sleep. All kinds of thoughts you'd forgotten about run through your head. You keep trying to figure out what the problem is. It's just a pain in the ass. It's a little after 6 now. I'll probably try and crash in a half hour and then nobody will be able to move me before noon.

By the way, coming soon, I have a blog entry on Sirius Satelite Radio I hope you will enjoy. I've pretty much written all of it. I just need to proof it and make sure it's interesting. I'll have it up by Monday.

Sweet Dreams


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