Sunday, July 03, 2005

I Am Music Genius

So check this out. I am constantly telling people when a song is successful that I knew before it happened that it would be because I have an ear for that sort of thing. Unfortunately, I've never been able to prove it. So, now I'm going to take a shot here on my blog and predict what song will be a huge hit in the future provided the record lable is smart enough to release the song as a single.

I hereby predict that if the Interscope has half a brain and releases Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas, it will be a huge success. Pump It is the first song off the Black Eyed Peas new album called Monkey Business. You've probably heard the first single off the album called Don't Phunk With My Heart although most radio stations play a version where they change the word Phunk to Mess. I can only assume they do this because they are phunking lame.

Pump It is pretty much a rip off of Misirlou by Dick Dale & His Del-Tones with more beat and some words put over the music and the song kicks ass. By the way, you know Misirlou from the Pulp Fiction soundtrack. I, myself did not know that was the name of the song until I looked it up just now on Amazon.

Pictured here is Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas from her Maxim photo shoot. In theory, the apropriate picture for this blog entry would have been the cover of the album the song came from. I think you'll agree though that with this picture, it didn't matter what I wrote here. You still would have read it...or at least thought about reading it.


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