Monday, July 18, 2005

Quickly Checking In

Hay All,

Just wanted to let you know that I hadn't forgotten about you. As I adjust my priorities, I'm finding that I'm having less time to dedicate to blogging. Just know that I think about you often and I look forward to our conversations.

Today, I'm at the library again, gearing up to do some writing. I'm currently doing some ripping of cds. Today's selection: Tony Bennet, Irving Berlin, Chuck Berry, and Michael Bolton. Normally, I do 5 cds a day but the Blondie cd I chose just kept getting spit out of my laptop. Thank God iTunes has error correction while ripping because these discs are all scratched to shit. I understand that a little scratching is inevitable but I can't imagine what people are doing with these cds when they take them home.

Went out with some friends and coworkers on Friday. We drank enough that we found it acceptable to go to Ede's in South Norwalk. Anyone who's ever passed Ede's and knows it for the dive that it is can truly appreciate how much fun we were having to have ended up there. It was a blast.

Went and saw Fantastic 4 the night before last. I was under the impression that it was going to suck because of all the bad press it's been getting but I found the movie very enjoyable. I recommend this film for those of you looking for a good ride, but not for those of you who tend to look for flaws in the story line.

Talk 2 u soon.



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