Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Ladies & Gentlemen. It's possible this is just a rumor but in case it's not, ultimate-guitar.com is reporting that Geffen Records has set a release date for the new album from the greatest band of all time (minus everyone but the lead singer). That's right. It seemS very plausible that Chinese Democracy, the forthcoming album from Guns N Roses will be released this year on November 29th. YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, it's possible this album will suck royally. One can always hope though. I mean, in theory, someone from the band has been working on this album since around 1994. I gotta think there's at least one good tune in there somewhere.

I guess I should mention that Velvet Revolver (which is basically GNR without Axl) have a new song out on the Fantastic Four soundtrack. I don't have it yet. I think that band is cool and I like a bunch of there music and all but it's just not the same thing. If you go and see Velvet Revolver in concert, the lead singer stays on stage for the entire show, doesn't say anything that would piss someone off and when was the last time you heard of a riot breaking out at a VR show? At last count GNR in all of it's various incarnations had at least 4 and 2 of them were in CANADA!!! That is next to impossible and neither of the Canadian riots had anything to do with hockey. That's just CRAZY!!!


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