Friday, July 22, 2005

Some Adult Content - Grand Theft Auto

I've got some catching up to do on blogging but I just found this and I wanted to get this out. Some of you may have heard that the video game Grand Theft Auto got it's ass kicked this week when it was discovered that the videogame had some hidden material of a sexual nature. The video game ratings board immediately slapped an Adult rating on the video game and most major chains pulled the game.

Now, if you're like me, (and by the way, I recognize that this is sad), you might be thinking, "Shit, I gotta go get the game before you can't get it anymore." The thing is, I don't really play video games. Hell, I got the new Fantastic Four game for the xbox and it's still in the wrapper. So then I had another thought. Why don't I just google it? So, I did.

For those of you too embarrassed to google the words, "grand theft auto sex", I've saved you the trouble. Those of you over the age of 18 may click here for some video game sexual activity.


At 7:56 AM, Blogger Dave Novak said...


At 8:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

All I can say is that when I was growing up (which was like yesterday) we didn't need these ratings and censoring of video games and movies and tv shows, because we had our own censor, we called her Mom. There are certain things that kids shouldn't see, and that's why parents should monitor their kid's activities.


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