Thursday, July 07, 2005

First, My Condolences

I feel like I have a lot on my mind and as always I never know how far I'm going to get, but I wanted to start out today by offering my sympathies to the families and friends of those lost in today's tragedy. When will the terrorists of the world realize that their actions do nothing to further their cause? How many people will have to die? I was about to ask when this sort of thing will end. The sad reality is that most of us have become accustomed to this sort of thing and have resolved that acts of terrorism will never end. Unless directly effected, the common person views the perpetrators of such crimes as little more than a nuisance. We go on in spite of them and while I don't pretend to know everything, like the rest of the world, I know that these idiots were wrong.

What I am thankful for in all of this is that my future family members are ok. Members of Kristine's family are in England for the week. Kristine and I had even thought of joining them on their vacation. I am happy to report that they were nowhere near the attacks and are doing just fine.


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