Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wedding Thank U's and the Apple TV

How's it goin out there my good friends? It's the end of the weekend and I'm chillin on the couch watching Huff while the nor'easter continues to hammer down outside. I figured I'd take a break from writing my wedding thank you's but now I'm thinking I'm giving up on them for the night. I don't have much further to go but whether I do them tonight or tomorrow won't make much of a difference. While I've never been font of writing the thank you note, I must say there's a part of me that has enjoyed reconnecting with the joy I had and the gratitude I have for those present at my marriage ceremony and celebration. Still, the idea that after tomorrow I'll never have to write another thank you because I'm swearing off all gifts that require thank you notes...boy, I'm looking forward to that. The exception would be for any guests who are using that 1 year to get the married couple their gift rule. There are a few and they've got 20 days. We'll see how that works out.

So I'm watching Huff, a fantastic show that I was sad to find out Showtime cancelled after 2 seasons, on my...Apple TV. That's right, I bought one of those. Those of you who have heard me talk about the Apple TV in the last couple of months are probably very surprised. I have made several attempts at writing a blog entry entitled, "Please God, Don't Buy An Apple TV" but failed as the entry would have taken me forever to write. I could go into detail as to why I wanted to write such an entry, but why bother? I own one and it's really freakin cool.

The reason I own one is because I can't be trusted to be alone in the Apple store. I was there today because I work with a guy who bought a 15" Powerbook a couple years ago and he decided to break something off in the headphone jack and as a result there's no sound coming out of the speakers. Unfortunately, my coworker is incapable of bringing in his laptop even though he spent the money on Applecare which is essentially Apple's version of the extended warranty and I never buy extended warranties.

So I had him give me his laptop and I brought it to the Genius Bar and while I was there, I went and played with the demo units Apple had set up for the Apple TV. I tried leaving the store twice. Once, I almost made it to the Stamford Mall elevator. It was just sooooo beautiful. Now, it is a pain in the ass that all of my files are in divx format and I'm not about to open up the Apple TV to hack into the hardrive. As a result, I do have to convert my files if I want to watch them but I can let the computer do that while I'm sleeping. I think it's worth it because the user interface on the Apple TV is just so great.

Alright, my show's almost over and I'm ready to crash. Good talking 2 u as always and I'll chat w/u soon.


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