Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter B & B

Kristine and I are at a bed and breakfast called The Woolverton Inn in Stockton, New Jersey. We're spending the next 2 nights here and then we're going to her sister Kathy's place for Easter Sunday. We got here around 2:30 and Kristine went down for a nap so I went out and snapped some photos of the exterior and the sheep. We're having a great time so far, enjoying our peaceful, relaxing weekend. Soon, we'll be going into town for dinner.

One funny note. This is the second B & B we've stayed at in the last 2 months where our room has been just outside the range of the wireless network. I guess that's a good thing, considering we're supposed to be "getting away from it all".

I've posted the photos I've taken so far on my flickr page.


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