It's a little strange coming back from vacation. There was a movie that starred Bruce Willis & Michelle Pfeiffer called The Story Of Us about a married couple having troubles. At one point, the two go off on vacation and have a marvelous time and it looks like things are going great and then they come back and the troubles start all over again. The movie pretty much sucked but it did teach me that if you subscribe to a newspaper and you go away on vacation, it's best to cancel the paper for the week.
But I digress. The reason the movie came to mind was that when we can back on Monday, things seemed to be a bit of a pain in the ass. Getting our luggage back was a bit of a pain. So was flagging down our limo. The limo didn't have any cold beverages so I had to settle for a warm whiskey and diet coke. Then, I come to find out the cleaning people decided not to show because of Labor Day and they opted not to make the day up so our place wasn't nice and tidy. The cleaning people have become a bit annoying in the last few months and missing the last Monday while we were away was what I think to be the final straw. I think I'm going to let them go.
Yesterday was a bit annoying as well. I had planned to have a buffer day of relaxation before I did much of anything. I was very excited that Season 1 of the TV Show Lost came out on DVD while we were away. Neither Kristine or myself had watched the season in it's initial run but we were watching the summer reruns. The problem is that ABC started running reruns at other times besides the time slot they told us the show would be on. We missed three episodes before we realized there was information in the "previously on Lost" portion of the show that we had not seen. I tried going the bit torrent route but it's time consuming and there's a huge difference between watching a hi def show on a 60" tv and watching it on a 17" laptop. By the way, for those of you who don't know, bit torrent is a file sharing thing people use to download tv shows, movies and other files of large size.
So anyway, my plan yesterday was to wake up whenever, drive to Best Buy to buy the Lost dvds and the new Stones cd and to spend the rest of the day watching Lost on the couch. When I proposed that plan to Kristine, she had one "minor" addition. She was wondering if while I was out if I wouldn't mind picking up some groceries. Let's just say that when I said yes to that question, it was the last time I'll make that mistake again.
Adding insult to injury, since yesterday was supposed to be a day of relaxation, I opted to go the day medication free. For those of you that don't know, I have ADD or Attention Deficate Disorder. I can go without medication as I did for over 20 years of my life, but if I need motivation or need to make decisions, I'm much more comfortable doing so when I'm on Ritalin. Sending me off to the grocery store with a long list of items when I'm not medicated is insanity at it's highest.
That nightmare ended when I got home around 2. I cleaned myself up, put on the pajama bottoms that my cousin Len got me a couple of Xmas's ago and Kristine and I caught up on our Lost episodes. Then we watched Big Brother 6 and the season premiere of House which featured a fantastic guest performance by LL Cool J.
Now, Kristine and I are on the couch watching more Lost. Everytime I say just one more episode and then the end of the show is crazy and we have to watch the next one. It remains to be seen if we will leave the couch this afternoon. We will be leaving it this evening though. Kristine is thanking me for the shopping insanity I endured by accompanying me this evening to The Aristocrats at the 2nd run theatre down the street.
One last thing before I go. I have not forgotten about telling you about my vacation. It's just going to take some time. I mean, look at how much I filled up here and I didn't think I had that much to say. I can tell you that it was the best time I've ever had and I will remember it always.
Until next time.