Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I've Got A Hair Ache

So check this out. My beautiful fiance Krisine (NOT pictured here) was watching Martha Stewart (also not pictured here) and the guest was talking about how redheaded people require an additional 20% anesthesia. What the hell is that about? Upon hearing this, I immediately did some google research and it turns out to be scientifically sound. Even more scary was learning that it turns out noone really knows 100% how anesthesia works. Again...wassup with that?

The reason that this is relevant to me is that not only do I have red hair, but also that every time I go to the dentist lately, the Doctor has a habbit of saying, "I don't understand why that's hurting you so much." Tomorrow, when I go to get the rest of my filling's done, I will be sure to give the good doctor this little piece of info. For a more intelligent explanation of this issue, you can click here.

OH.....and I guess there's one other little thing. If you would like to see the website where I found this lovely redhead via a google image search AND your over the age of 18 AND your parent(s) aren't going to kick my ass because you saw this very lovely lady naked then you may


At 1:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Very interesting stuff. If you want to get rid of these spam blogs, you can turn on the character recognition feature, so people have to type in a series of letters, and a computer won't be able to do that, so it can't spam commment. I don't know about you, but I hate stupid comments and advertisements in my blog. Cool about he anestesia, i would have figured someone knew how it worked.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Dave Novak said...

In case anyone thinks Rob's comment is a little odd because there is no spam on this page, I got rid of it. I thought my little blog was beyond the spammers and I was hoping to avoid adding this word verification thing. That is not the case. While I was changing that setting, I also made it possible to comment without having a blogger account so please feel free to comment. I'm a big fan of the comments.


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