Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Bloggers Influence The Failure of The Presidency

Thanks to last weeks TWIT, I've now been made aware of the "Google Bomb". It's quite an interesting idea really. This is where bloggers use their collective power to mess with the worlds biggest search engine.

Go ahead and google the words "miserable failure". I'll give you a sec....

Pretty funny isn't it? For those of you who didn't take the time, you would have seen that the first link Google returned was a link to President George W. Bush's profile on the White House webpage. Now I'm sure some of you would agree that this happened because it's his natural karma. That however was not the case. Apparently, a whole bunch of bloggers got together and put the words "miserable failure" on their respective blogs and then linked those words to that page. Since google's web crawler's take links into account, you have a somewhat amusing google bomb.

I'm pretty sure I got all that right but if I missed something, I'm sure Tim can fill in the blanks. Gotta go to work. L8r.



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