Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My Critics Have Spoken

So I got a couple responses from Rob and my Ant Sara on the audio blogging thing and it was not met with rave reviews. They did bring up some good points so I'll have to decide how to approach blogging in the future.

One point was that reading a blog is something someone can do while they're doing something else. Another point was that my Ant Sara can read my blog faster than I can say it. That may be true but in the grande scheme of things, it takes me at less than a quarter of the time to speak my blog than it does to write it. (For instance, just now, I had to go back and change "right" to "write".)

I think what I've learned for now is that I'll approach my blogging on a day by day basis. I don't necessarily think the audioblogging makes my blog better but it certainly is easier. A number of times people have gotten on me that I haven't updated my site for awhile. That usually happens when I get hung up on the writing and I don't get around do blogging because it overwhelmes me. On the other hand, it's no biggy just to put on a headset and talk for like 15 minutes and then move on. That's due in part to the fact that while I can be particular about my writing, I have no problem with my babbling.

In a perfect world, I would write out the blog and then perform the audio version instead of rambling off the cuff. That, of course, would add more time to the process and that's the opposite of what I'm trying to do. More than likely, I will write when I feel I have the time and I will audioblog it when I'm pressed for time. We'll see how that goes.

In other news, I may be moving this site in the future. As I've told you before, I have a .mac account (http://homepage.mac.com/tvguydave) and the people at Apple Computers have been nice enough to bump my webspace to a gig. They split it evenly between email and your website, but I just happened to discover the other day how to adjust it so only 40 meg is going to my email and the rest goes to my .mac website.

I also learned about a cool piece of software from the This Week In Tech podcast called Rapid Weaver that I may use to revise my .mac website. When and if I do this, I will let you know here that I've moved.

One last thing b4 I go. I'm sorry to see the lilpuppy blog go. It was one of the greatest reads of all time. I will miss her and her stories very much.

Oh...ok...One more last thing. I'm currently listening to the new Bon Jovi album that came out today called Have A Nice Day. I'm digging it.

There ya go. Talk 2 u l8r.


At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really, REALLY love the new Bon Jovi. You are THE BEST my friend. Thank you again!


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