Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Sometimes I Wish I Lived In Jersey

Check this out. A music store chain in New Jersey that's tired of losing revenue to the internet has created a plan so that they can make a few bucks and you can get better quality music on your computer that doesn't have digital rights management(DRM). You go to Scotti's. Buy a cd. Go home and rip the cd at whatever quality you want. Then you return the cd within like a week or something and they give you up to 70% of your money back. As you probably know, I LOVE the iTunes music store but this plan kicks iTunes ass. Hopefully, some Connecticut stores will pick up on this idea.


At 5:46 PM, Blogger The Desert Rat said...

Is this legal? I'm sure it is if a company is doing it. Sounds very cool, I love listening to whole CDs instead of just one song or another, so I would love to be able to download whole CDs onto an ipod. very cool.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Dave Novak said...

In this day and age, it's hard to say with certainty what is legal when it comes to the music industry but this should be perfectly legal because it's legal to return something you've bought to the store you've bought it from and record stores have been selling used cds for a long time. The podcast I heard this on (I think it was diggnation), they said that eventually the record store would probably need to change the language on the website so that it wasn't so blatant.


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