Sunday, August 28, 2005

POW!!! Denied Again

I was waiting and waiting with such anticipation for Big Stock Photo to approve more of my photos and what happens? I received my second rejection for this photo of a nature preserve trail I discovered not far from my home. What made this denial worse was that the rejection had a little bite to it.

"General low interest subject - sorry - try shooting something a tad more interesting if possible :-) thanks"

A Tad More Intersting?...I uhh....I don't know...I'm trying to figure out the right way to feel about that. "Uhhh yeah. We're sorry Mr. Novak. We obviously weren't clear. We only want interesting photos. Please give us more of those. Oh, and not to say your photo was bad. It's just that your photo falls a tad short of interesting. If there was just a little more good in your photo, it would have been fine. Next time, just make sure you photo has that little more of good and a little less of the not good. That'd be great. Thanks."

Out of curiosity, I just did a search on Big Stock's website for the keyword "forest". I did in fact find a couple of photos that looked similar to my picture. In Big Stock's defense however, neither of those photos have been downloaded yet.

I currently have 6 more photos waiting approval. Hopefully, Big Stock will find THEM a tad more interesting.



At 5:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I guess I understand where they are coming from, but I like it just because of the intersting shadowing on the ground and in the trees. I'm with you, I think it's pretty good.


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