Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Godsister's Engagement Party

This past Saturday, Kristine and I went up to South Windsor, CT for my Godsister Laura's engagement party. Here she is pictured with her fiance Mike at the party. Mike is one of the coolest guys I've ever met. In addition to being an all around fun guy, he also worked security in Boston at a show consisting of members of the Howard Stern show. Needless to say, upon hearing that, we hit it off fairly quickly (although ironicly, Mike does not listen to the Stern show).

The party was quite festive. They had two margarita machines going (one was strawberry and the other was regular) in addition to plenty of beer as well as some non alcoholic beverages. They also had a volleyball net set up in the backyard that allowed for some great competition and plenty of humor.

There was also a book that was being passed around that we were supposed to write words of advice in. Kristine and I remembered the book just as we were leaving and thus didn't write anything in it. It occurs to me, that as my relationship is still in a young phase, I don't know what kind of advice I could give them. Truth be told, I could probably use some. If you are engaged, married, divorced, or just full of advice, do me a favor and leave me and Kristine some words of wisdom in the coment section of this entry. I'd love to hear what you have to say. Also, I'll probably write your suggestions in Laura and Mike's book next time I see them.

Thanx Much


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Related IMPACT said...

Marriage is like Sun Rock (you remember that place?) Just close your eyes and JUMP - don't worry we think you may be safe!

Sleep now while you can - kids will never let you get a good nights sleep.


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