Friday, August 26, 2005


I woke up this morning at 5. It was one of those things where I was just immediately awake with no hope of going back to bed. Checking out some of my favorite blogs, I realized that both Tim and lilpuppy had links to my blog on their pages. I had expected the one on Tim's but lilpuppy's was a surprise and a very nice gesture. I still had one of those "edit-me" links left over in my links section so I decided to bite the bullet, go into the html section of building my blog, and figure out how to give lilpuppy a link on my page. It turns out it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be and then I just went link crazy.

Here's a quick rundown of my current links:

My Ant Sara is my Mother's younger sister and one of the coolest people I know. She lives in Vermont and is very into dying yarn.

I've known Tim Lynch since my senior year of high school. It amazes me how many people I saw every day during my school years and how few of them I talk to today. Tim is someone I'll talk to forever.

My Godmother Lynn started a blog YAY!!! Very exciting. She only has one entry at the moment but upon seeing this, I imagine she will write another. Lynn was my Mother's best friend and thus, she became my Godmother. Anyone who has heard Lynn speak knows that she has plenty to say and I'm certain she will have a fantastic blog. She could probably do three pages just talking about her thoughts on marriage. She's a wonderful person and I look forward to reading what she has to say.

Oh Shit! I skipped over lilpuppy. How funny is that? She's responsible for this whole link update thing and I almost missed her. Ooops. Sorry lilpuppy.

So who is lilpuppy? I only know what you yourself have access to in her blog. I've never met her but she's seems like a lot of fun. One day, I just happened upon her blog when she was starting out and I've never stopped reading. The links section of my blog consists of close friends and familiy but I'm here to tell you that if you haven't read lilpuppy's blog, click on that link now and start at the beginning. Her life is like no other that I know and I'm thrilled she's willing to share here thoughts and feeling with us.

Then you have my Godbrother Rob's blog. (Upon proofreading this, I remembered that Rob has a link to my blog as well. Thanx Rob. You Rock.) For more info on Rob, jump back about 7 entries for my little rap on him. Rob lives over an hour away from me so I don't see him as often as I like but I did see him twice in the last two weeks. The first, sadly was for his Grandmother's (Lynn's Mother) funeral. The second, was at his sister Laura's engagement party. Rob's a cool guy and because of his blog, I now know that Green Lantern isn't actually a guy but what the guy wore. Very cool. Go check him out.

My cousin Chuck is the son of my Ant Sara. I haven't seen Chuck in ages but because of his blog, I know he's doing well.

That brings us to Lara. Lara is one of the most unique people I know and she carries the distinction of being the first girl I ever went on a date with. Wow! I'm surprised I remember this. On my first date EVER, I took Lara to see Crazy People starring Dudley Moore at a theatre in Westport that is no longer there. Lara has lived in Florida for many years now and I can't tell you the last time I saw her. Every couple of years, we reconnect via email or the phone and it was just recently that I learned about her blogs. You may not always agree with what she has to say but she absolutely makes for an interesting read.

It's because of the make money with your photos blog that I'm now selling my photos on the internet and if you'd like to see those photos (right now, there's only 2 but I've got 5 more pending approval), you can click on the my photos 4 sale link.

Tadaaaaaa...YAY! All done with my links entry. Maybe I'll catch a few extra z's. See you next entry.



At 10:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for the link! PS; cool flag pic.


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