Monday, June 12, 2006

Proofs Pt. 3: The Wedding

I learned a few years ago when I was president of the Ski Bears that whenever you're planning an event, there comes a point where you can't stress about the planning anymore because the event is happening. No matter if the event called for little or extensive planning and no matter how big or small the stress level was, this point of no return is my favorite moment because even if everything goes wrong, there's nothing I can do about it and so I stop worrying.

For the wedding, the PONR came for me when we left the park and we were heading over to the VIP Club in our limos for the wedding. My groomsman, Tim Beeber,...I think he was talking to his wife on his cell and after he hung up, he said to me that there was an accident on southbound I95 and that there was a lot of traffic and there might be some latecomers to the wedding as a result. I still remember the complacency I felt when I said, "Well, nothing I can do about it now."

The rehearsal dinner that we had the night before the wedding was a dinner without a rehearsal. The number of painstaking conversations I had about what that dinner was supposed to be leading up to it...that could fill up 20 blog entries that I don't want to write and you wouldn't have the patience to read. Suffice to say, it was a nice dinner and the next day, when we got to the wedding, we had very little idea of what we were doing. Thank goodness for the VIP Club and their helpful staff who organized us very well. Afterwards, during the reception, I was asked a couple questions from guests regarding the wedding. For instance, one friend asked why my best man wasn't standing next to me during the wedding. Until he asked, the thought had never occurred to me and I told the guest simply that it just didn't work out that way.

Hopefully, in a few weeks, Kristine and I will have a dvd of our wedding as the whole thing is a blur in my mind with little touches of distinct memories. I remember being struck by hearing our Minister say the words out loud that until that point, I had only seen on paper. I remember having a big smile on my face that wouldn't quit because I was soooo happy to be marrying Kristine. I also remember that my nervousness got the better of me a couple of times while Kristine and I were holding hands for most of the ceremony. Once or twice, I gripped Kristine's hands too tightly, especially around her rings, and one time she quietly yelled, "Ouch!"

Oh, there's one other thing I remember. There's a line either Kristine or I had to say regarding being with each other thru the hardships. Having gone thru what we went thru planning the wedding and the stresses of just about everything having at least a small problem, I let out a quiet funny snort, Kristine started to chuckle, the wedding party began to laugh, and then the audience had themselves a good laugh. The Minister went on with the next line which neither Kristine nor I heard well, which lead me to quietly say, "We're going to need to do that one again," followed by Kristine saying, "DO OVER!" loud enough for everyone to hear which got another laugh.

All in all, the ceremony went well and everyone had great things to say about our wedding. The wedding photos have been added to the same album I've been working on. Just scan down to the bottom for the new photos. (Unless there have been several blog postings since this entry. Then scan down to somewhere in the middle.)

Coming Soon: The reception photos are on the way but I have a blog entry about some running thing I've been doing and that will probably appear in the next day or so.

Thanx 4 Reading


At 11:12 PM, Blogger Dave Novak said...

Thanx Lynn,

Those are very kind words. I look forward to saying the same things after your daughter's wedding. Can't wait.

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the smiles on your faces. You two are radiating. Keep 'em coming my friend.


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