Saturday, April 22, 2006

Skype Saves The Day

I left my phone in Kristine's car last night and she and her Mother took the car to New Jersey for a bridal shower today. When much of your day revolves around making phone calls regarding your wedding and bachelor party, not having a cell phone makes things difficult. I should also mention that we don't have a "land line" phone in our home either. Periodically, I've thought about getting one for the apartment but that all changed last month when I had to help set my Father up with his home phone.

Much like modern dentistry, the land line telephone industry has refused to evolve in spite of all the technological advances in every other field. It's probably been ages since you set up telephone service but if you were to do it today, it eats up at least a half hour of your time if not an hour. The telephone people make you jump thru a lot of hoops for a phone you can't take with you when you leave your house.

The biggest irony of setting up telephone service is that odds are when you're doing it, you're doing so while talking to the person on your cell phone. And while you do it you'll be answering questions for things you forget regular phone service still charges for. Did you know land lines still charge extra for long distance? And before you can say, "Are you freakin kidding me?", they confuse you with the fact that you need to choose a long distance plan as well as a long distance provider. I don't know if phone companies are losing money but if they are, it's because of stupid crap like that.

That's why I say thank god for Skype. Skype is like a VOIP service like Vontage but it's cheaper. It's basically a telephone service that runs through your computer with internet access. For a little over 30 bucks a year, Skype gives me a phone number and voice mail. If I have Skype and you have Skype, we can talk on Skype for free. If I want to call someone who is not using Skype, whether it's a home phone, or a cell phone, no matter where they are in the country, it's 2 cents a minute. Setting up Skype took less than 10 minutes. Needless to say, I'm a big fan of Skype.

Gotta get back to wedding stuff. Talk 2 u l8r.


At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you know I recently went to the dentist to upgrade my decades old fillings. I did so because I was amazed at how advanced modern dentistry has evolved!

All the X-rays were done to a digital imaging station and were instantly available in far more detail than the older film X-rays. Also they could be viewed as large as the computer screen at hand.

Then after the X-rays were taken detailed video of the surface of each tooth one at a time was processed allowing the dentist and patient to see whatever problems between the older fillings and the tooth structure might have occurred. Such as fissures created by the two different coefficients of the older filling material and the tooth in question.

The video can then be sent to a CAD program which can "mill" out an exact replacement for an inlay or crown or whatever restorative replacement is need in ten minutes. Thats a far cry from the dentists of old who take a mold and then send it out and then have to work it with the drill once in comes back a week later. Not to mention the fact that you have to walk around with a temp in your mouth like some dental frankenstein.

If your dentist is practicing modern dentistry better get a new one! You wouldnt walk around with a cell phone the size of a sneaker would you?

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your dentist is NOT practicing modern dentistry better get a new one! You wouldnt walk around with a cell phone the size of a sneaker would you?

The above is a correction to the blog of the Dave


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