Monday, May 29, 2006

Some More Photos...Kind Of

A few posts ago, I posted a link to a photo page created from photos taken by Kristine's friend Rob. We actually owe thanx to my new niece Justine for creating that site. Last weekend, Kristine and I were at Rob's and he burned us a disc of the photos he had taken. I've gone thru and done some cropping and adjusted some levels and created a new Snapfish album from those photos. Enjoy.



At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love 'em. By the way, tell Kristine her 'up do' was FABULOUS. Didn't notice that in the last set of pics.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Dave,

Could you email me the iPod list you used for your wedding? Laura put me in charge of music for the wedding, and I need to get your music or she'll beat me!!! HELP!

Anyways, my email address is


At 11:08 PM, Blogger Dave Novak said...

Hay Rob.

Sure. I'll ge that out 2 u soon.


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