Monday, April 17, 2006

Had A Few Minutes To Kill

Hello Everyone,

I have a little time before Kristine gets home from work so I thought I'd take a little time to catch everyone up on my life.

The wedding will be upon us soon and both Kristine and I are very excited. There are still some things to work out but most everything concerning the wedding has been set in motion and we expect May 6th to be the best day ever.

If ever there was a day that would be a close second, my bachelor party is just around the corner. To be honest, I am just a little nervous at just how insane I'm going to get on that night. I didn't think I still had it in me but this past Saturday, Kristine and I went up to Tolland Connecticut for my Godsister Laura's bridal shower. Kristine stayed for the shower while I accompanied 4 men to a bar in Manchester...I think. Ya know, it's a sad day when I need to be the voice of reason, but I was very surprised at the flack I caught for turning down the fouth group shot when I was the guy who had to drive us all back to the shower.

When we did get back the shower's host's home, I ended up doing 3 shots of Jagger with my Godfather in very quick succession. Kristine drove us home and I spend the better part of the next day trying to remember what happened the day before. I gotta tell ya though. I was a GREAT friggin time. We totally have to do that again.

I'm kind of at a loss for music at the moment. While I'm the first one to brag that I'm an Apple user who doesn't have any crasher, nor do my hard drives ever seem to have problems...I never allowed for the possibility of dropping a hard drive about 3 feet, landing on the hard drive that holds/held my iTunes library. As I am now experienced in the matter, I can tell you that hard drives don't like to be banged around like that regardless of whether you use a PC or a Mac. In the next few days, I should know if I've lost everything or if there's a chance for recovery.

Kristine should be home soon so I'm going to sign off. I hope all of you are well and look forward to talking to you soon.



At 8:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


It's also a sad day when both my Dad and my Uncle can drink me under the table.

One thing though, it was Laura's bridal shower, not Lynn's, but we know what you meant.

At 8:52 PM, Blogger Dave Novak said...

The bachelor party is the weekend before the wedding so their shouldn't be any trouble there.

Thanx for the correction Rob. I made the fix. By the way, there is no shame in losing a drinking contest to your Father and Uncle. Those guys have been drinking forever.

At 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I take over your blog while your on your Honeymoon?

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you know Dave that I won't be able to make your bachelor party.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the time off work, since I took last weekend off for the shower, and the weekend for your wedding.

Anyways, that's for the invite and I hope you have a good time!

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I meant *thanks* for the invite


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