Monday, April 17, 2006

Engagement Party

Greetings Friends,

You'll have to forgive me for not blogging in a bit. I just haven't been feeling the blogging vibe. Also the wedding preparations have been keeping me a little busy.

First off let me quickly acknowledge my friend Karen Lynch who is doing less than well right now. I could write a year long blog entry about Karen but for the moment, let me just say that she has some big challenges ahead of her healthwise so I would ask that you take a moment and send all of your positive thoughts her way. Karen has her own website and you can check out everything that is going on with Karen here.

Having visited with my beautiful fiance Kristine's family over Easter got me thinking about the engagement party we had last June at her sister's home. At the time of the party, I had just purchased a new HDV hi def video camera, so I brought it to the party and did a little shooting. Outside of Kristine and myself, noone has ever seen this footage before and the footage has not been edited. Maybe one day I'll get around to doing that. Until then, I decided to put the footage on the internet for your viewing pleasure.

The video is 37 minutes long and the party doesn't start until 17 minutes in. Prior to that, you get to see me give a tour of the Breden household and watch my future niece and nephews swimming in the pool. You'll also get to watch me play with Rosie. That said, here is a little piece of my pre-marriage home video history. Enjoy.


At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get it ... you enjoy making me cry! Now it all makes sense.

I love you my friend. Thank you. Think no more of me and focus all your attention on wedding details.

I love the video footage. Nothing like seeing my kids in their glory. Ya know, shooting water at the $3,200 camera, slobbering on the $3,200 camera, throwing grass at the $3,200 camera -- who is raising those children!!!!


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