Monday, February 20, 2006

Presidents Day and Some Movies

Happy Presidents Day!

If I understood Andy Rooney last night on 60 minutes, Presidents Day is no longer limited to Lincoln and Washington. Today is a day to recognize all presidents. If that's the case, I'm going to appreciate Ronald Reagan today. While history shows us he may not have been the best president, I believe he is my favorite. Of all the presidents in my lifetime, I have never believed myself more safe than when he was our leader. A close 2nd goes to President Bill Clinton. It's easy to get caught up in the whole sex scandal thing, but I believe that of all the presidents in our lifetime, he worked the hardest to make this a great nation.

I had some time to myself this weekend as Kristine took a trip to Long Island. I caught a couple of dvds that define the opposite ends of my spectrum as a person and as a 33 yr old. Since there was no chance in hell Kristine was going to watch Doom with me, I felt it best to get that one out of the way. Now I know that I'm old by Hollywood's definition but I'm pretty sure this film sucked. I'd go into more details except that I don't remember any. I remember The Rock was in it and by the way, I like The Rock. Maybe next time though, they'll give him a few supporting actors so he doesn't have to carry the film by himself.

The second film I saw was Cameron Crowe's Elizabethtown. I won't go into details on this film because I don't want to take any joy away from you viewing the film. What I will say is that I felt a very strong connection to this film and that Elizabethtown restores my faith that Hollywood is still making great movies.

To drive the point home, I plan on buying Elizabethtown (the dvd was a rental). I may not even watch the film again but to me, owning Elizabethtown is to own a great piece of art. Also, I'll be exercising my "dollar vote" to let hollywood know that they should keep making these kind of movies.


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