Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Reawakening

I feel like I've just woken from a coma. The holidays are over. Woo-Hoo! Now, I love the holiday season and I'm big on being a people person, but there's definitely an intraverted part of me that needs some alone time to regroup. Of course, that's hard to come by now that I'm living with someeone full time but I think that's something I need to adjust to and hopefully, that will come with time.

Apparently the holidays stress me out and I didn't even know it. This past Thursday, we celebrated Xmas at work. There was a big gathering at the bosses house after work, but the big todo was our lunchtime exchange of gifts. I was generous with my gift giving and was pleasantly surprised at the number of gifts I received. What I find interesting is that after the big gift exchange lunch was over, I was exhausted. I was completely drained. It turns out that unbeknownst to me, I was carrying a large weigh on my shoulders and after that was next to impossible to work. If allowed to, I would've fallen asleep in my work chair right then and there. And this was in spite of the fact that I had the whole real xmas thing to do that weekend. The brain is a funny thing and it turns out my brain was very busy but it left me out of the loop.

Then came Christmas weekend which was lovely. Kristine and I went down to Long Island for the holiday and spent 3 days at her sister Karen's place. What I find interesting is that I now feel more like a resident rather than a guest when we stay with Karen and her family. Also, I realized that I'm no longer the visiting boyfriend. I blend now. Well, for the most part. I imagine I'm still thought of as a man way too obsessed with owning the most current technology but that aside, I'm one of the family.

Let's see...You'll have to forgive me for a moment as I'm reorienting myself with this blog entry. I know I had a lot to say yesterday when I started this. I'm just trying to remember what that was and in what order I want it to come out. In case I get burnt out trying to finish all my thoughts in this entry, let me just say that last night, Kristine and I watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and while I know as a 32 yr old man, I should be embarrassed for saying this, the movie was fantastic. In the words of the great Robert Kelly, it worked on many levels. Back to the Xmas coma.

Kristine and I got home Monday evening. I thought I was going to pass out, but I had to have my friend Chris over so I could sell him my iPod Photo so that he could give it to his wife Tanya for her birthday. Of course, there is no such thing as a Chris Kory visit that doesn't involve Madden Football, especially since he'd never played it on my new Xbox 360. That thing KICKS ASS! Although, let me just say, if anyone from EA Sports (It's in the game) happens to ready this, what's up with the changes? I want my kicking back. I want my old buttons back. I want my Michaels/Madden commentary back. Otherwise, excellent job.

So Chris comes over and we play football and suddenly, I'm alive. Where I was once catatonic, now, I can't fall asleep. I did eventually fall asleep though and spent the next to days in a sort of recovery funk. Then around 3:00 yesterday, I rolled out of bed, jumped in the shower and since then I've felt fully recovered. It should be smooth sailing for a while.

The anonymous Mr. Xchair believe I have a little stress left in me with the New Year's thing, but aside from going somewhere New Year's Day, we are plan free and I don't imagine that will change.

We're out of here in 15 so let me get a few last things out.

Netflix RULES! I'm going to save so much money on all the dvds I don't have to buy anymore.

Speaking of dvds, Kristine and I have been watching season 1 of House. For those of you who have never seen House, it's a great show, but I would suggest skipping the Pilot (aka the first show), as you might get turned off by it. It was shot very dark and it was before they realized that the medicine part of the show plays second fiddle to the quick bitter wittiness of the House character. If you start with the second episode, you should be fine.

Hey, how bout those Sony DRM rootkit cds? Did those guys screw up or what? Ya know, I was looking at a piece of Sony machinery today that wasn't even music related and thought to myself, there's no way in hell I'm buying that.

Bittorrent is a fabulous piece of software. It's like having every movie and television show on demand for free...albeit it's probably illegal and there's a slight chance the RIAA or MPAA might sue you but then again, I haven't been able to find a successful US bittorrent lawsuit. Bittorrent rules.

Cinderalla Man is out on dvd. Finally, you can see the greatness I've been talking about in the privacy of your own home. Rent it and enjoy.

I'm being called to get ready but one more thing. Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas debuted at number 64 this week on the Billboard Hot 100 Airplay. About Friggin Time.

Been fun chattin w/u. Check ya l8r.


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


There is still one more holiday to go! The most important for a new couple! New Years Eve! Better get working on your plans! You DON'T want to mess that up!


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"I watched The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and while I know as a 32 yr old man, I should be embarrassed for saying this, the movie was fantastic. In the words of the great Robert Kelly, it worked on many levels."


I knew I wasn't the only guy who liked an occasional chick-flick.

mmm...perhaps I've said too much.

But the point is that you've taken the first step of a long journey towards realizing that I am awesome, and I know everything.

At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Xbox360 sUx0rs
PS3 will 0wn

Anyone in Traveling Pants should be forced to turn in their Xbox Live account.


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