Sunday, January 01, 2006


OK. So uhhh...I know this isn't the best blog entry to start off the year, but it's like 12:49am on Sunday morning. We've been back from our party for a tad bit and uhhh...sure, we're a bit festive. Here's the thing. Kristine's kinda tired and out for the count and I had a few minutes to kill b4 I crash and so uhhh...for no reason whatsoever, I'm looking at what people search for to end up at my blog.

Remember that Train Sex story I told a few entries ago where I briefly mentioned my 60 gig iPod. If you read that story, odds are you did not take away from it that I had a 60 gig iPod. And yet, it is SO KEY in the grande scheme of things. Check this out. On December 24th, 2005...oh my god...on CHRISTMAS EVE, 2005, someone arrived at my blog BECAUSE....they did a Yahoo search for "women over 60 having sex on video"and because of my young people having sex on a train story, my blog was the first thing to come up on that person's sad internet journey. WOW! The internet. What a strange little beast U R. On the off chance that that person returns, let me just tell you now, in case you weren't certain...In this blog, you will absolutely never find anything relevent to women over 60 having sex on video...EVER!!!

Although, I must admit...on the off chance that this blog still exists 27 years from now...well, check back in then and maybe I'll have something for you. In the meantime, all I can offer you is the musings of a youngish man who has no desire to see what your looking for.



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