Friday, April 29, 2005

Thank God It's Friday

Hello All,

I'm sitting here listening to the new Family Guy cd. Very funny. Not for the kiddies though. Lot's of foul language. Can't wait for Sunday when Fox starts airing new episodes.

Last night, Kristine and I did our first sort of couple kind of thing. We went to Rio in Norwalk for dinner with her former roommate Meghan and her husband Brent. Actually, I guess we've done that sort of thing with my friend Tim and his wife Karen, but for some reason I don't really count that. I've known Tim forever so going out with him and his wife doesn't so much feel as an event as it does just...well, hanging out with people I've known forever.

Anyway, going out with Meghan and Brent was a blast. Great conversation. Great food. Excellent Margaritas. I think I'm going to dig this whole couplehood thing.

This weekend is a huge weekend for Kristine and I. Why? Tiger comes out tonight of course. Well, alright no. But Apple is releasing Tiger tonight and that's very exciting.

We're going to Long Island tonight and we're spending the weekend visiting her family and showing off her new ring. On the one hand, I'm excited because I get to walk around with the one I love and say look at the great thing that I've done. On the other hand, I'm curious to see how my conversation skills hold up as I'll be doing a lot of talking.

We'll be taking a break from the visiting tomorrow night when we go to the Westbury Music Fair to see John Stewart. That should be awesome. He's the smartest funniest guy out there. I expect plenty of laughs.

Alright, I need to work. I don't know if I'll be updating over the weekend so I'll see you when I see you. As always, thanx for reading. Check ya l8r.


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