Friday, April 04, 2008

Uber Long Time No Chat

To Those Of You Who Still Check This Out,

How's it goin? It's been forever, I know. I've been by some why I don't blog anymore and the reason is simply that I'm married now. Before, when I was single, I had time where I was alone and when I had a thought and no one to talk to about it, I'd throw it up on a blog. Now that I'm married, I'm always with someone at least 90% of my day (the other 10% is spent driving to and from work) and so now when I have a thought, I just tell the person I'm with. Not to mention the fact that blogging seems a little passe these days. There's got to be millions of blogs out there and I don't read any of them. These days, outside of "official" news sources, I tend not to read anything much longer than a text message.

I was also asked if I was going to kill the blog but I can't see doing that. For what it's worth, the random thoughts I've jotted down on these pages serve as a time capsule of a piece of my life. I'm fascinated knowing that as long as there's a cyberspace, part of my life will be preserved for people to look at. My time may pass but my words will live on.

So I have some time today as my computer is doing most of my work so I thought I'd try and catch you up on some of my going ons.

First, let's start with the weight loss thing. I'm still into it. While not every day, I sill go to the gym. I've also started running again and I've played tennis twice in the last week. I'm much more fit than when I started trying to lose weight in September but weight wise...Well, I need to make some diet changes as I don't seem to be losing anything. Truth be told, I'm not fretting about the weight loss thing because I feel health wise, I am significantly improved. Still, we're going on a cruise in July and I expect to do some diet cramming in June and July so that I don't look too inappropriate in a bathing suit.

Internet Radio. I have totally revamped my live365 station. Whereas once, I thought I'd create a radio station that was an organic realization of my gym workouts, playing the exact songs in the exact order that I listened to at the gym,... well, it turned out that idea was very appealing to listen too. People just don't want to hear Hannah Montana next to Eric Clapton next to Linkin Park. Instead now, I've taken the best hard rock, heavy metal, and alternative tunes of my workouts and created 3 hour mixes. Those mixes are rotated daily and each week, I compile the top 50 songs of the week and loop them on the weekend. Whereas the first incarnation of the station was more of an experiment, the new version which has been up and running for the last couple of months is something I enjoy listening to immensely.

Without talking about the new station, I've managed to acquire 637 listening hours. Big props to California, New York, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas, Georgia, and Colorado. Also, huge international thanx to the UK, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Brazil, and Switzerland. I'd love to make it to 1000 hours as so please, tune in and keep listening.

What else? I'm still enjoying work very much. I'm still working for Versus and for the last couple of months, my primary focus has been working on Chuck Noris's World Combat League. In addition to the WCL, I periodically come in on weekends to work on cycling as well as track and field. Aside from the commute, I'm very happy to work here at Versus and will continue doing so as long as they are here.

Kristine and I absolutely love our house. It seems that with each week, there's a new adventure. I wasn't home last night but I believe our patio furniture was delivered. Hopefully, the rain will pass and we'll have some time to sit outside and grill our Omaha Steaks this weekend. By the way, Omaha Steaks WOW! We haven't even had the steaks yet and we love this company. Their twice baked potatoes are a godsend.

Gots to get back to work. I hope all is well with you and hopefully I'll talk 2 u again sometime in the future. Until then...



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