Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Groomsman Tim Beeber

Happy 4th of July. I thought I might put up a few more wedding pics for those of you have been waiting for them. This set comes from the camera of Groomsman extraordinaire Tim Beeber who Kristine and I owe great thanx to for shooting our prewedding video which one day will be posted amongst these pages.

I chose this photo to highlight the set for one key reason but I'll get to that in a sec. Ya know, I've often told people that while our wedding was fantastic, it was a long hard ride to get to the day of the wedding. I've slowed down on telling people that because...well, why do they need to know? If I had half a brain, I'd never mention the hardships of putting together the wedding and let the fairy tailesque event live in the minds of people as a work of perfection.

And that is exactly what I intended to do until I saw this picture of Tim, did a backflip and realized I owed it to future wedding people of the possible danger of forgetfulness that comes with any wedding day.

Tim Beeber is standing in front of his house in front of a beautiful white limo that picked him up at his house as it did my 2 other groomsmen, my father and myself. (My best man needed his vehicle so he drove himself). Kristine and her bridesmades had an identical white limo that drove them around before the wedding. Kristine and I chose these limos because we had seen other bridal party pictures taken with identical limos and we wanted to do the same on our wedding day.

This picture here of Kristine and her mother by the limo is the only other picture to my knowledge that exists of a limo on our wedding day. Now these limos were pricy and because the bride and her party were running behind prior to the wedding, both limos went into overtime. I don't know the final math, but that's a good chunk of change for photos we never took. At least Mr. Beeber had the presence of mind to capture a wealthy moment for himself.

I just put this out there for those of you getting married so that you can be sure to keep track of these kinds of things. Other than that, we had a great freakin wedding and I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Again Happy 4th.


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