Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday Morning

Good Morning,

I've got 20 minutes before my train comes to take me to South Norwalk. One of these days, I really need to get my own car. I'm looking forward to my week of working at Stone House Productions. When I last worked at Stone House, I was a bit burnt out at the end of my project with them. However, I've had some time away and have experienced some other things and I'm looking forward to going back today. I should mention that the show I got burnt on was a show on the Food Network called Ham On The Street starring Chef George Duran. The show is only in it's first season but it seems like 1 out of 10 people I run into have seen it and they like it a lot so it appears I helped do some good work in spite of my work exhaustion a few months ago. Stone House is currently working on season 2 of HOTS and the new episodes should air soon. The Food Network airs HOTS several times during the week but the only time I know for sure is 10:30pm on Wednesday nights. Be sure to check it out.

For those of you who have been waiting for me to post more of the wedding proofs, I apologize. It takes a while for me to scan photos and I haven't had the the time. Hopefully, I will get to scan more soon. There are a few wedding related things you can expect in the coming days. I've received a few pictures from people with digital cameras and will post those soon. Also, my good friend, Mr. Tim Beeber had his video camera with him the night of the rehearsal dinner as well as in the limo with me before the wedding. Once I figure out how to convert that for the internet, I will post his video uncut.

By the way, I did get up this morning at 5 and jogged/walked for 3.5 miles, gearing up for the 5 miler in 2 weeks. My mile time was 12:40. This is 5 seconds longer than what I did Saturday, but the distance was slightly longer and it was 2 hours earlier. I tend to jog better later in the day.

Gotta get some Dunkin' b4 the train comes. Talk 2 u all soon.


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