Saturday, June 17, 2006

3 Miles And Running

Here I am around 6:30 this morning before Kristine and I went to Norwalk for the first of our long distance runs. If nothing else, this running thing is helping my physique. I'm feeling and looking more fit than I have in a while.

So the run is over and I'm feeling pretty good about the whole thing from the perspective that I'm a newbie and it was my first run. During the 3 miles, there were more patches of walking than I would've liked but it was a good start. In the end, my time was 35:35 which puts my pace under 12min/mile. Kristine finished just behind me

This is probably a mistake but since I know I'm going to keep this exercise thing going and I want some more accountability, I'm going to throw out a couple of numbers. My post run weigh in has me at 266lbs with 29% body fat. That's not bad considering I was over 275 a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully though, those numbers will improve.

In two weeks, Kristine and I will be with the other team members at Cranbury Elementary for a 5 mile race. Here's hoping for some exceptional training over the next 14 days.


At 3:03 AM, Blogger Dave Novak said...

There ya go. C'mon out and join the run craze. It's great. It's fun. It's everywhere. Woo-Hoo! Or...if you don't want to, I understand.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger Dave Novak said...

Well good. I've often thought that one of the ideas behind this blog was to inspire others with my trials and tribulations. Glad I could help.


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