Monday, May 29, 2006

Some More Photos...Kind Of

A few posts ago, I posted a link to a photo page created from photos taken by Kristine's friend Rob. We actually owe thanx to my new niece Justine for creating that site. Last weekend, Kristine and I were at Rob's and he burned us a disc of the photos he had taken. I've gone thru and done some cropping and adjusted some levels and created a new Snapfish album from those photos. Enjoy.


Friday, May 26, 2006

The Pictures Are In

Ladies and Gentlement, the wedding reception disposable camera pictures are in. You can check them out here. You aren't required to have a Snapfish account to look at the pictures. Just click on the "view now" button at the top of the page.

I would like to say a huge thank you to my Godsister Laura Kelly, who will herself be getting married in the near future. Towards the end of my wedding, Laura went around to all of the tables and used up any pictures that had not been used up by the table. Many of the pictures you will see on the Snapfish site are credited to Laura. I'm so grateful that I will be sure to bring my assortment of cameras and camcorders to her wedding.

As for the table pictures, I did very little filtering. Some times people didn't use the camera's flash and I removed a chunck of those. However, I left in some of the more "artistic" shots taken at the kids table as well as a few moderately adult shots taken by some intoxicated females of their cleavage.

There are still plenty of pictures to come as Kristine and I haven't met with the photographer yet and I have some honeymoon photos to put up as well.

Until next time.

Coming Soon

Sorry for taking a few days off. Kristine and I saw The DaVinci Code on Sunday and I just have so much to say about it, I've been putting it off and I think I'm going to bail on it. Just to quickly summarize what I might have written...
1. Kristine had not read the book and enjoyed the film. She called it a "renter".
2. The changes they made took me out of the film for most of it. I understand a need to condense a book for time, but many of their choices made no sense to me. I'm curious to know if Ron Howard read the book.
3. HEY PARENTS!!! If you have a child under the age of 5 who can't keep quiet and the movie wasn't made by Disney or Dreamworks, LEAVE YOUR F**KING KID AT HOME!
4. Protesters? What's the point? I'm thoroughly convinced the act of protesting movies is a social event for people who have nothing better to do. My other thought is that protesters are hired by film companies as they do nothing more than draw attention to the film and drive up ticket sales. If I do actually blog about the DaVinci code, it will probably be about this.

But I digress...

COMING SOON! At the wedding, we put disposable cameras on all the tables so we could get a large sampling of photos that would have otherwise have been missed. I picked up our Kodak picture discs from CVS yesterday and will most likely have those photos up somewhere before the weekend is up.

Talk 2 u soon.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Rainy Sunday Afternoon

Woke up this morning and Kristine and I took a trip to the doctors. Turns out our honeymoon generated some bronchitus in the both of us. Mine is on the way out while Kristine's seems to be in full swing. We both got antibiotics and went to Orem's Diner in Wilton for breakfast. We're home now. Kristine's taking a nap and I'm sitting in front of the tv watching J.J. Abrams on Howard Stern On Demand. If you're a Howard fan, there's no reason you shouldn't cough up the 10 bucks a month for HSOD. The channel is worth it's weight in gold. After Kristine gets up, we'll catch the 4:00 showing of Da Vinci Code in Port Chester. We haven't been to that theater yet but it looks beautiful. We don't really see movies in the theater anymore so I figured we should go to a nice one for the rare occasion.

I mention the diner because I had a bit of an epifany this morning while eating my eggs benedict. Now I fret to mention any thoughts I have on marriage for two reasons. First, I'm prone to change my mind on anything 2 seconds after I've blogged it. Second, my 2 week anniversary was yesterday and for every thought I have on marriage, there's a million married men out there looking at me thinking, "Dave? You have no idea what your talking about."

[moved upstairs. the sleeping Mrs. Novak has informed me that I need to blog next to her on the bed.]

Anyway, regardless of my marriage inexperience, I'm going to offer up a thought or two.

I feel as though I'm a new person and that in the short time I've been married, my priorities have shifted dramatically. Whereas I was once my own person, I am now part of a team. Does this mean I am "whipped"? I don't think so but I'll leave that up to you (and by the way, if you're answer is "yes Dave you are", you'll probably want to keep that yourself unless you want to hear a whipped guy go off on you). But I digress. I'm not here to hate. I'm here to love.

This morning when Kristine and I were heading home and she thanked me for taking her to the doctor, I said to her, "It's a no brainer. If you're not healthy, I'm not healthy." In the past, if Kristine and I were having an argument, I had a very "the hell with this" kind of attitude. My thinking was that I go out of my way to avoid problems and if she's got a problem, that problem is solely hers and I need to just hang in there until she comes out of her funk.

What I realize now is that prior to marriage, I wasn't fully invested in the relationship. I was an individual spending a lot of time with another individual. We loved each other very much but we were two people who at any time could have their own agendas. To have that same attitude now as a married person is the equivelent of me breaking my foot and saying, "Well, that's the foot's problem. I'm just gonna do my own thing til the foot comes around." I have stated before the law and God that Kristine is my world for the rest of my life. I now have a stake in her well-being as her life is now my life. Whereas once I might have said, "What exactly is your problem?", it is now my position to say, "Here's how we can work through this situation." An ambitious proposition to say the least not to mention probably a little naive. Still, that's the position I'm taking at this time and I feel motivated to do so.

What else have I noticed as a result of marriage? 2 things come to mind. First, I've started wearing my seatbelt. Sometimes I'm on the road for a little bit before I realize it's not on but I'm making an effort to change that. Second, "The Way It Is" by Bruce Hornsbey and the Range (one of the biggest wuss songs by one of the biggest wuss bands) came on the radio yesterday...and I didn't change the channel. 100 commercial free music stations on the Sirius satelite radio and I chose to listen to elevator music. Good Grief!!!

Until next time.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Quick Post Wedding Check-In


Unfortunately, our flight out of St. Lucia has been delayed almost 4 hours. Had we found out about that before we left the resort, we could have played a little extra pool volleyball. However, since we found out about the delay here at the airport (an hour and a half from the resort), we've been hanging in the somewhat air conditioned cafeteria. If it were not for the free wireless internet, I am certain we'd be going insane.

But we're not insane. Kristine and I are happily married and we have the pictures to show for it. Much thanx to my Ant Sara for her wedding blog entries as well as my Sister-In-Law Kathy's photo site and Kristine's old friend Rob's photo site.

I fear that I have so much to say about the wedding and the honeymoon that I may never get around to blogging about it, so for now, I'll just say this. In spite of some trials and tribulations, the wedding was hands down fantastic. And in spite of a few more trials and tribulations, the honeymoon here in St. Lucia at the Sandals Regency was to die for.

For all of you who graced us with your presence and your generous gifts at our wedding, we are forever grateful. Kristine and I were happy to hear from everyone that they had a great time and we're glad you enjoyed it.

One last thing. The girl in the red dress who was doing cartwheels (while I was busy taking pictures and did not see it) is named Kim and she is awesome. I'm anxious to see if she makes the wedding video.

I'm sure I'll talk to all of you soon. Thanx Again.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Waitin 4 Dad

Hello Everyone,

I'm at LaGuardia Airport waiting for my Dad's flight to get in. He was supposed to get in at 12:29, but the website says he's getting in at 12:13 now. That's in 5 minutes so this will be quick.

The wedding is almost here and the insanity of planning said wedding is almost over. Here's a promise that I'm making from here forward. If I get invited to a wedding, I will respond promptly with a yes and then I promise not to complicate things by changing my mind because something came up. Having now gone thru building a wedding seating chart, let me tell you inexperienced wedding goers that telling your coming to the wedding and then letting them know at the last minute that you can't make it really blows. Also, not responding and making the bride and the groom hunt you down really blows.

That said, all appears to be going very well. Running around New York yesterday handing out a lot of cash, I ended the day by having a strong rum & coke and then buying the new laptop I've been going back and forth on buying. What's great is the my new 17" Intel MacBookPro arrives the day I get back from my honeymoon.

Dad should be here any minute so I will say goodbye for now. If I don't talk 2 u b4 the wedding,...I guess I'll talk 2 u after I get back or something.

Check ya l8r.

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