A Free Apple Computer For 30 Days
This is very exciting. Apple Computers is so certain that you will love their Mac mini that they're willing to let you use it for free for 30 days. I read the fine print and here's the deal. You go to the apple store website (the deal is for online purchases only). You purchase the mac mini. If you don't have a usb keyboard and or a usb mouse, you pick those up as well. They will ship the computer to you. From the day you get it, you have 30 days to use the Mac Mini. If on the 30th day, you decide you don't want the Mac mini, you call Apples toll free number and tell them you don't want it. You then have 14 days to return the Mac mini to their warehouse and you get a FULL REFUND. No restocking fees or anything.
Now just so you know, you will need to use your existing PC monitor or buy a new one as the mini does not come with a monitor. Apple designed the mini so that PC people could innexpensively switch to the Mac platform by switching out the cpu while keeping their keyboard, mouse and monitor.
As you know, I am an Apple love and while we are a three Mac household in a two bedroom apartment (Dual Processor G5, 17" Powerbook, and a 14" iBook), I'm still trying to find a reason why I need a mini in my house for a month. I haven't thought of one yet, but give me a little time. I usually good for that sort of thing.
The deal expires October 31, 2005.
As I am a big fan of the Apple, I am a huge fan of Apple Rumors. The big rumor this week is that on the 7th, Steve Jobs will announce the arrival of the Apple/Motorola iTunes phone available on Singular's cell phone service. This has been a long time coming and it's very exciting. Hopefully, this phone will be available thru Verizon in the near future as I will be the first one standing in line to get it.
The two sites I get my Apple rumors thru are thinksecret and macrumors. Both tend to have very accurate sources. Thinksecret's sources have been so acurate that Apple sued them. Their case is still pending.
Kristine and I are going to two concerts in two days. Tonight, we're going to take Kristine's niece Justine and her friends to see The Used and four other bands at the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC. Then tomorrow, we're taking Justines brother Eric and a friend of his to see Green Day at Giants Stadium. Should be very exciting. I'm really looking forward to Green Day but I'm curious about The Used show because it's general admission and will have a moshpit. The last moshpit I was in I think it was 1995 and it was the Rage Against The Machine/Wu Tang Clan show at the Meadows Theatre in Hartford. That was the thing of legends, and to be honest, when I learned that I really know longer had any business in a moshpit. Tonight should be fun.
Next week, Kristine and I are going to Jamaica on vacation. It will be our first week long getaway together. I can't wait.
I'm telling you these things because I most likely won't be updating the blog during that time. I'm going to try and go the entire week without accessing the internet. That would be incredible if I pulled that off.
I im'd with my Godmother Lynn last night and she tells me that her next blog entry is in her head and that she'll be ready to create it on the page on September 16th. Boy, that's going to be tough. I mean, that's only what....over 2 weeks away. I don't know how she'll ever pull that off.
Seriously, I look forward to her new entry and wish her well with her continued online writing experience.
Talk 2 all of u l8r.