Saturday, June 18, 2005

A Saturday Afternoon

I'm awake but my head is in a hazy state. I played some killer tennis this morning. No one responded to my tennis email this week so I hadn't planned on playing this morning. Of course, I got a last minute phone call this morning and I was on the court by 9:30. We played two sets. I won both. 6-0 & 6-3.

Whenever I start playing tennis after some time off, I go through what I'm going through now, this tired awakeness. I don't need to take a nap or anything but I'm not about to make any rash decisions. The thing is, I've been playing tennis for over a month now. I would have figured that this mental state would pass. Still, it occurred to me that in the past, I played more doubles tennis than singles. This last month and a half, I've been doing mostly singles.

I'm falling behind on my engagement thank you's. I'll have to do some catch up tomorrow.

Today is June 18th which means the month is more than half way over. I'm looking forward to the end of June because it will mean the end of work for me for awhile. I'm a bit spent when it comes to my current occupation and I'm looking forward to taking a couple months off. I have a few ideas of what I'm going to do with that time but I'm not ready to talk about it here becuase I'm tired of talking about things I want to do in this blog and not following through with them. As time moves forward, I'll keep you posted.

One last thing. Krisine and I spontaneously decided to go to the Apollo Theatre in NYC tonight and see Damon Wayons. I'll let you know how it goes.


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