Monday, May 16, 2005

Monday Monday naaaa naaaa....naa naa naaaa

Good Morning,

How's everybody doing? I had an alright weekend. Kristine was away visiting family so I was flying solo for a few days. It felt weird. It turns out that I'm lost without my Lovely. I did do a couple of things though.

I went and saw The Interpreter starring Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman. It kinda sucked. Now, I must disclose that I had a few drinks in me but the film just seemed to go on and on. It was most annoying.

Played some killer tennis on Saturday. It's only the second time since I've returned to playing and my head was in the clouds for the rest of Saturday. I did get some color but most of it has faded away.

What's also faded is my somewhat frustration with planning an engagement party. I've got most of my addresses together now and hopefully everyone will show up and I'll just have to sign a check or two. Oh, and I noticed that Ant Sara responded twice to my appology entry. While she didn't come out and say it, I've decided that 2 comments on a blog entry represents the acceptance of said appology. Thanx Sara. Can't wait to see you at the party.

I think that's about it for now. Talk 2 ya'll soon.


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