Thursday, May 12, 2005

So Much For Vacation

Hello All,

So it turns out I'm not supposed to leave. I got a few responses on my last blog letting me know I'm not allowed to take a break. My Ant Sara informs me that if I stop doing this, I need to send her a constant stream of long emails so she can keep up with my life.

So I'm back. I think I just needed something to get me past a follow up on my war blog entry. So now I can resume the daily going ons of my life.

So I have this engagement party thing going on. Last night, I started compiling addresses of my friends and families so I can hand that list off and someone can send off invites. Again...what a pain in the ass. I feel real weird about having to rate my friends to decide who gets to come to my engagement party. It's like, OK...I've know this person for a while. We've had some real good times. But wait, we haven't seen each other in a while. I don't want to waste any invites. Will they come? Are we still good friends anyway? Were we really good friends? What define's a good friend? Bla Bla Bla Bla. Then, on top of that, you need to figure out whose going to party well together and if I invite this person, then why am I not inviting that person?

People tell me that if I have a problem with the engagement party, then how will I ever deal with the wedding. Very easily. I'm going to invite everyone I remotely want to come, simple as that. I mean, as a reader of this blog, you qualify for an invite to my wedding. That includes you Colleen. By the way, are you cutting my hair this weekend? I feel an appointment coming on.

Speaking of the stress of inviting people to the engagement party, I would like to take a little space here to appologize to my Ant Sara and my Uncle Wayne. These are two fantastic people who I love dearly and unfortunately they hold it against me that I missed their wedding. Of course I had no recollection of this at all until she reminded me yesterday when I was getting her address for an engagement party invite. Ooops.

Sad thing is, I don't really remember why I didn't go. I think it had something to do with not having a car combined with needing to do something work related but I'm not a hundred percent on that. What I can tell you is that I never thought it would come back to haunt me.

So with my head in my hand and tears streaming down my face, I stand in front of the entire world and offer these 2 people my most sincerest appology. I promise to never miss any of your weddings or special engagements in the future, so help me Sara and I say Sara because she is a god to me and a very wonderful person from who you should purchase as much died yarn as you can afford. Operators are standing by.

In other news, my beautiful Kristine is visiting with her family in Long Island from today until Sunday. I actually had to pack a bag at her place to hold me over for a few days at the place I'm living until Junish. Hay Beeber! If you're reading this, clear up your schedule for Saturday. We're Going To Bridgeport!!!

Alright. My digitizing is almost done so I need to start paying attention to my work. I'm sure I'll be talking to you soon.


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