Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Happy Wednesday Everyone

Good Morning,

Wasn't sure I had anything to say today and then I saw on the front page of yahoo that they had a news story about a guy who owns to movie theatres in Kentucky who won't show the new Jane Fonda movie because of her role in opposing the Vietnam war. I guess it's worth noting that this guy used to train pilots in Vietnam or something like that.

In case I get on a rant and forget to clarify, I think the whole thing is a little silly. I mean, I totally believe that this guy has as much right to voice his opinion on Jane Fonda just as much as she had the right to vocally oppose the war. Actually, I guess vocally doesn't quite cut it. I understand there were some pictures taken with the Vietnamese and I think she did some interview things with some American soldiers that, in retrospect, don't fare very well for Jane. Basically, I think in the process of excercising her freedom of speech, she probably hurt some people. And I guess if your a veteran of that was (as my father is), you probably don't take that very lightly.

But uhhh...I mean, come on. If it's been 15 years since Jane Fonda's been in a movie, that means the Vietnam War was like, I don't know...a hundred years ago. Does anybody really care anymore? The article I read said she has appologized for taking the pictures but hasn't appologized for opposing the war, which makes sense as there were soldiers who fought in that war that opposed it while it was still going on.

Let me see if I can get to my point. I think this guy in Kentucky is stupid. He's supposed to be a businessman. I just read in Entertainment Weekly that the number of people who see a movie in the theatre has dropped significantly. This makes sense to me as I used to go to the movies all the time and now, I hardly ever go. People are starting to have entertainment systems in their homes that rival movie theatres. Plus, we have things like the internet, good televistions shows like House, 24, and Medium, and of course, reality tv to keeps us busy at home without having to make a trip to our local multiplex.

And here comes this event movie, starring a former celebrity noones seen for the last 15 years outside of an Atlanta Braves home game. It's got J. Lo for crying out loud and think of her what you will, puting her in a film is like printing your own money. So this businessman is going to deprive himself of profiting off the work of someone who he despises. Whooppee. I mean, read that again. Think of someone you really hate. Now imagine that that person does some work for like 6 months and then you get to make a lot of money as a result of said work. I'd do it. Fuck it. I hate them. They owe me. Here comes the money.

It's also worth mentioning that if I'm a perspective patron of such a movie, the theatre owner has now pissed me off by not providing the very service for which he has sworn to provide. I'm sure my friends will verify this that I never go back to a theatre that has pissed me off. I'm not even sure that I've passed through Kentucky in my lifetime, but this businessman has now guaranteed he will never see a penny from my pocket. And this is all for a movie I don't even want to see when it comes to HBO.

Oh Shoot. Gotta work now. Hope this all made sense. I'll check it later. Bye Bye.


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