Monday, May 23, 2005

And Here I Sit

You ever just feel like your tired of everything? I just want to not be doing anything. I feel like I need a break but I don't know from what. It's not like I'm doing a ton of stuff. I am busy. I have to move in a couple weeks and then I have an engagement party the week after that. Not really a ton of stuff per say. It's just that I seem to be asking myself a lot lately, "Now why am I doing this?"

Just to clarify, that is in no way a dig in regards to being engaged. If anything, it's because of knowing that I've found the perfect person to live with for the rest of my life that I'm reevaluating the rest of my life.

Here's an example: Music. I rip every cd I find. For the last couple months I've been going to the public library and checking out music for free and ripping the cds on my computer. Saturday, I was at the Westport library, checking out there collection of tunes. It was quite impressive really. But I was looking at all of the cds and thinking to myself, "I could care less about theses cds." I shit you not.

I feel one of two things is happening. Falling in love and committing to a lifelong relationship could very well be giving me some clarity that lets me see things in a new light and understand them in a new way. Or I could just be really confused.

I just know that I'm finding there are things I don't want to do anymore and there are new things I'd like to discover and find relevance in.

One last thing before I check out today. My friend Tim reminded me that iTunes has this feature called an iMix where you can post your mixes so that people can preview them and purchase your songs. We'll see how long I feel like doing this, but here's the tunes I worked out to today.

Check ya l8r.


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