New York City Crane Collapse
My best friend Tim stayed at the court yard on the day of the crane falling in NYC and shot this video later that day.
My best friend Tim stayed at the court yard on the day of the crane falling in NYC and shot this video later that day.
I'll probably have a more elaborate post later for this, but in case everything went wrong, I wanted to post this weeks Top 25. Remember the Year Of The 200 Top 100 starts airing every Friday at Midnight and repeats throughout the weekend.
Since I have an easy to use camera now, I'm always filming trying to find something to put on the Tube. In the midst of filming around the house, our cat Jasmine embraced the daredevil that she is and climbed the tree in the front yard.
On Friday, I decided I needed to get myself a new camcorder that was more portable than my HDV camcorder. I went up to Best Buy in Orange and picked up the Canon HF10, a flash camera(no tape) that records in Hi Def (1080i). Here are some random clips from when I went into work Sunday morning as well as our cats on Memorial Day.
Long day because of flat tire. Maybe I'll tell you bout it sometime. I just put this weeks Top 100 in the rotation. I'll list the Top 25 later onish. Nighty night.
I must say, I'm really starting to get excited about my little internet radio station that could. I confess that I was beginning to wonder if all the effort I put into programming the station was worth it. I sometimes think that, with all the possibilities one has while choosing an outlet to listen to music,...well...I mean does anyone really care about listening to free internet radio? You've got your iPod and satellite radio can be streamed on the internet and plus there's regular old radio. There's just so much out there. I often think Live365 is the remnant of a time when the internet was this vast uncharted world that was going to make life better instead of the business as usual internet that we have today. Regardless, I'm staring to see greater interest in the station and it gives me pleasure to put something together that people want to listen to, sometimes 8 hours at a time. God bless ya.
Hello Everyone.