Monday, March 14, 2005

Another Day....Another Dollar?

Greetings all,

To my surprise, I had to work today. Turns out only some of the people I work for weren't going to be at the office. Unfortunately, those who were required my video editing services. So I went in for a half day. Not bad I guess. I need to start thinking more about money and my future so maybe I can use every dollar I can get.

I don't think I mentioned this the other day, but I paid my library fine from like 5 years ago and got myself another library card. The Norwalk Publice library system has a ton of music, audiobooks and dvds. I don't know why I didn't rejoin the system earlier. Also, I discovered today that they have free wireless internet. Very nice.

Gotta go watch the new episode of 24. Check you guys later.


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