Saturday, March 12, 2005

I'm diggin the quick check in

After looking at yesterday's post, I realized I like the quick check ins. They're easy for me to type up and they're a nice quick read.

I saw Robots yesterday afternoon and I was surprised to see it was a packed house. It amazes me how easy it is for kids to get out of school these days because there's a little bit of snow on the ground. When I was going to school in Newington (I'm 32. You do the math.), I was told our superintendent was from Vermont. That would explain why we had so very few snow days. Anyway, aside from a few funny moments, I thought Robots sucked. It's possible thought that kids will like the film. If the film had a little more story to it, I would have liked it much better. It did not so I did not.

I got a hair cut today. I look so lovely. Yay.

Today, I finished my Season 2 box set of 24. It was a great season, had lots of great action. I'm not thrilled about the cliffhanger ending, but I guess it's just fine. The biggest waste in that season was the daughter. I now understand why she isn't in the current season(#4). If you cut all of her scenes out of season 2, the show would have been called 22 and it would have been just fine. Her side story did nothing to serve the greater good of the main story line.

I might be going to a St. Patty's Day parade in Greenwich. I don't really like parades. Unless you know someone in the parade, you're basically just watching some people walking down the street. I even felt that way after watching the New York one last year. It just wasn't that exciting. What is exciting though is going to the bars afterwards which you HAVE to do because, after all, you are celebrating St. Patrick's day. I'm not a big fan of the church, but whatever this Patrick fellow did...well...Yay.

Check ya l8r.


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