Saturday, March 05, 2005

And So I Begin Again

Welcome to my wonderful new Blog. I'm Dave and I here to say...well, nothing right now. I just needed a place to start from. Hopefully, you'll read great things in this blog one day. Right now though...not so much. I can tell you that shortly, I'll be leaving with my girlfriend Kristine (aka Zar) to go and visit with her family in Long Island today. Oh, maybe there's something to talk about.

I've never eaten Deer before. I was offered it once before when I was in my high school years(I'm now 32). My stepfather, Tom, was a hunter and he brought some home once. I opted not to eat it. I can't be certain why but it was probably a combination of the fact that I'd never eaten deer, the whole, "How can I eat Bambi?" complex I somehow manged to acquire, and quite frankly, I just didn't like my step father that much. That night, I just made some spaghetti.

Tonight, however is a gathering built around eating Venison(sp?). My girlfriend's brother-in-law, Curtis, is a hunter and I guess his hunting club has one of these fancy dinners every year. So I figure, I'll give it a try. I've never had a meat I didn't like so I imagine it will be just fine. Plus, I guess there will be dancing and other fun activites. Should be a good time.

Alright, I need to go take care of a few things before we go. By the way, you should check out these blogs if you have the time. belongs to my best friend Tim and belongs to my roommate Tito.

Talk 2 u soon.


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