So I've been using a FLICKR account for all of 2 seconds, but already I'm a huge fan. One of the biggest reasons is because of this picture above. It's one of three pictures I took on the morning of July 27, 2001 before I went off to play tennis. Why were Tim, Karen & Nick over my apartment the morning after Karen and I had seen Bon Jovi at Giants Stadium the night before...OH WOW...I just realized Alex is in this picture too! Can you guess where?...what was I saying? Oh yeah. They were probably at my apartment because I had left something in Karen's car and I decided to take pictures. These 3 pictures which have been laying dorment on my computer forever and now can be seen by everyone on my flickr account. I feel like a small part of me has been liberated and I've got tons of these types of photos. WOO-HOO!